Links: Panasonic and Sony want to make 8K TVs mainstream by 2020 | TechRadar Microsoft has created an Xbox Onesie to wear while you play | News | The Pipe for Santa Monica Pier desalinizes 1.5 billion gallons of drinking water for California | Inhabitat - Green Design, Innovation, Architecture, Green Building Uber Is Playing a $16 Billion Game of Chicken | Motherboard Forbes Tech firm brags about blocking FBI from recovering Clinton emails | Washington Examiner Hillary Clinton used BleachBit to wipe emails Epic Pants UPDATE: Bitcoiners Who Use Tor – Be Warned! The extradition may be televised: Dotcom wants to livestream trial | KitGuru NASA Submarine On Titan Could Find Life In Methane Ocean | Inverse France Passes Copyright Law Demanding Royalties For Every Image Search Engines Index Online | Techdirt New Exoskeleton Allows You to Feel Inside VR| Interesting Engineering The Proxima Centauri Exoplanet: ESO Press Conference Set for Tomorrow This New Equation Could Unite The Two Biggest Theories in Physics US Navy modifies bacteria to produce electric wire 60,000x thinner than human hair | Science! | Microsoft has created an Xbox Onesie to wear while you play | News | The Onesie and Only — Epic Pants The PC Gamer Top 100: Page 10 | PC Gamer PC piracy survey results: 35 percent of PC gamers pirate | PC Gamer