Rant 30
PC Gaming VS GPU Mining: Logan’s Two Cents | Rant:30
This week, Jay from JayzTwoCents made a video titled, “Is Crypto Currency Killing PC Gaming”. It’s sensational and it panders to the PC Master Race community, but it does little to address the problem (not much does and it sucks). It’s merely a circle jerk for hits. We have our own sensational video where we both agree and vehemently disagree with Jay’s righteous stance. Basically, we are all for gaming and all for crypto currency. Check it out and let’s get this discussion started. Keep it civil. Store: epicpants.com, Music: bit.ly/Trk2ik Game Deals: teksyndicate.com/gamedeals Patreon: www.patreon.com/teksyndicate Website: teksyndicate.com/ Forum: forum.teksyndicate.com/ —————————– Discord: discord.gg/vsCxNSD Facebook: www.facebook.com/OfficialCritTV/ Instagram: www.instagram.com/teksyndicate/ Reddit: www.reddit.com/r/teksyndicate/ Steam: steamcommunity.com/groups/OfficialCritTV/ Twitch: www.twitch.tv/beergamesbeer/ Twitter: twitter.com/teksyndicate/ Want to know what we use to make these videos? Check out our Kit: kit.com/TekSyndicate For marketing (sponsorship opportunities) inquiries email [email protected] Ask us LITERALLY ANYTHING: [email protected] Follow the team: Logan: twitter.com/Logan_RTW Pistol: twitter.com/pistolsteph Justin: twitter.com/DatAwesomeRobot
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Congress Says Our Privacy is For Sale, So Let’s Buy Their Browsing History | Rant:30
The Senate said it was fine and now Congress has agreed; The ISPs can share, sell, etc. your search data, browsing data, email data, etc. Let’s buy their history and share it. Links: Congress just cleared the way for internet providers to sell your web browsing history – The Verge The 265 members of Congress who sold you out to ISPs, and how much it cost to buy them – The Verge Purchase Private Internet Histories by Adam McElhaney – GoFundMe
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