Writer Guidelines
Want to write for Tek Syndicate?
That’s fantastic. You can send your writing sample (link to blog, etc.) to [email protected].
Please be sure to include a few samples, along with any relevant technical, gaming, or nerdy experience you might have. Published samples are preferable, but not required.
Tone and Policies
- The subjects we like to focus on are technology, nerd culture, futurology, and gaming.
- We believe in being honest and unbiased about the subjects we talk about. If a product or service isn’t great, it’s on us to let people know. Opinions are good, as long as they’re factual and can be defended. No fanboy content.
- Humor is great! We don’t believe in taking anything too seriously. Sarcasm, satire, weirdness are all acceptable. Toilet, racist, sexist, or derogatory humor is not okay.
- Nothing that’s supporting any hate groups or is anyway racist or condescending to any group will be accepted. Furthermore, you will be asked to leave. Like Optimus Prime, we believe that freedom is the right of all sentient beings. Any group that says otherwise can fuck right off.
- We’re okay with swearing. If someone swears in quotes, don’t edit them. Don’t go out of your way to be vulgar, but feel free to season your posts when necessary.
- We love hearing ideas, and are happy to give you credit where it is due. If you have an article idea that could coincide with a video, that’s awesome. A fleshed out idea, with research and information is what we’re looking for. If you’re just like, “Hey you should check out this GPU, here’s a link to it” that’s not really going to be all that helpful to us.
- Logan hates exclamation marks. He believes that they dictate enthusiasm when sometimes the readers don’t want to be forced to feel enthusiastic. You will be granted once exclamation mark per article until you prove you can be responsible with them.
- Justin will be your point of contact for most things. Talk to him first before talking to other people on the team. Chances are he can point you in the right direction or get you in touch with the right person.
- All members of our writing staff will have to sign an NDA before having any of their work published.
- Knowledge of WordPress will help, but is not required.
Please keep in mind: the Tek Syndicate team is very small and very busy, so it may be a little while before you hear something.
Note from Logan
(I’ll post this soon) – Logan