Tek Support
Tek Syndicate is grateful to our inclusive community. We can’t exist without you. All this content is provided free and there is no obligation to pay/donate. However, we want to grow, do events, keep making content, and hire staff writers. This all requires a lot of money. Many do not realize how much it all costs, so I’ll break down some monthly bills (in basic estimates):
- $6800 Employees+
- $2000 Rent
- $2-300 Servers & Internet Fees
- $600 Misc bills
- $200 Random
Those are just a few things on the list. So, here is how you can help:
- Patreon: www.patreon.com/teksyndicate
- BTC: 1hunsEVp75PrYUmmb1sfeafGFYkkW747B
- LTC: LaKmYT3sXCRit4dxuWZCfV39cozKvUgFcg
- ETH: 0xa488F1C31BF230068248220769C608A356a7E8F0
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